Read nodes and edges by batch with a delay.

sg_read_delay_nodes_p(proxy, data, ..., delay)

sg_read_delay_edges_p(proxy, data, ..., delay)

sg_read_delay_exec_p(proxy, refresh = TRUE)



An object of class sigmajsProxy as returned by sigmajsProxy.


A data.frame of nodes or edges to add to the graph.


any column.


Column name of containing batch identifier.


Whether to refresh the graph after each batch (delay) has been added to the graph. Note that this will also automatically restart any running force layout.


Add nodes and edges with sg_read_delay_nodes_p and sg_read_delay_edges_p then execute (send to JavaScript end) with sg_read_delay_exec_p.


library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( actionButton("add", "add nodes & edges"), sigmajsOutput("sg") ) server <- function(input, output, session){ output$sg <- renderSigmajs({ sigmajs() }) observeEvent(input$add, { nodes <- sg_make_nodes(50) nodes$batch <- c( rep(1000, 25), rep(3000, 25) ) edges <- data.frame( id = 1:80, source = c( sample(1:25, 40, replace = TRUE), sample(1:50, 40, replace = TRUE) ), target = c( sample(1:25, 40, replace = TRUE), sample(1:50, 40, replace = TRUE) ), batch = c( rep(1000, 40), rep(3000, 40) ) ) %>% dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) sigmajsProxy("sg") %>% sg_force_start_p() %>% sg_read_delay_nodes_p(nodes, id, color, label, size, delay = batch) %>% sg_read_delay_edges_p(edges, id, source, target, delay = batch) %>% sg_read_delay_exec_p() %>% sg_force_stop_p() }) } if(interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server)