Read nodes and edges to add to the graph. Other proxy methods to add data to a graph have to add nodes and edges one by one, thereby draining the browser, this method will add multiple nodes and edges more efficiently.

sg_read_nodes_p(proxy, data, ...)

sg_read_edges_p(proxy, data, ...)




An object of class sigmajsProxy as returned by sigmajsProxy.


A data.frame of _one_ node or edge.


any column.


  • sg_read_nodes_p read nodes.

  • sg_read_edges_p read edges.

  • sg_read_exec_p send read nodes and edges to JavaScript front end.


library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( actionButton("add", "add nodes & edges"), sigmajsOutput("sg") ) server <- function(input, output, session){ nodes <- sg_make_nodes() edges <- sg_make_edges(nodes) output$sg <- renderSigmajs({ sigmajs() %>% sg_nodes(nodes, id, label, color, size) %>% sg_edges(edges, id, source, target) %>% sg_layout() }) i <- 10 observeEvent(input$add, { new_nodes <- sg_make_nodes() new_nodes$id <- as.character(as.numeric(new_nodes$id) + i) i <<- i + 10 ids <- 1:(i) new_edges <- data.frame( id = as.character((i * 2 + 15):(i * 2 + 29)), source = as.character(sample(ids, 15)), target = as.character(sample(ids, 15)) ) sigmajsProxy("sg") %>% sg_force_kill_p() %>% sg_read_nodes_p(new_nodes, id, label, color, size) %>% sg_read_edges_p(new_edges, id, source, target) %>% sg_read_exec_p() %>% sg_force_start_p() %>% sg_refresh_p() }) } if(interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server)